Tuesday, August 24, 2010

U-Boat Tales..

This weekend saw the long-awaited visit of a dive group from the Washington, D.C. area. Sea Ventures, a dive store based in Fairfax, Virginia, has a marvelous program that studies the German wartime U-Boats sunk off the US coast, and then dives the ones that are accessible. Members graciously invited us to join them on charters aboard Proteus and to hear a presentation about their U-Boat course. The talk was excellent. Video, still pictures and historical input were all combined to create a fascinating account of the Battle of the Atlantic, the U-Boat development program and the particular fate of the Boats visited by Sea Ventures.

There is an opportunity to join Sea Ventures for a dive on the U-1105 - off the Maryland coast - on September 18th. Please contact info@powkingston.org, if you are interested in this.

Friday, August 20, 2010

NAS Course a great success.. again.

Despite rather unhelpful weather, last weekend's Nautical Archaeology Society Level One Course in Kingston, was a great success. Very professional tutoring, combined with the huge enthusiasm of the eight students, made for a really good atmosphere and a great outcome. It was also rewarding to see several former graduates of this programme turn out to assist with the practical aspects. Full report forthcoming in the next Newsletter, which is very close to issue.